It is used for the treatment of wastewater in the inlet to the secondary clarifier.
Microbial impurities (for example, pathogens and multi-resistant germs) are effectively removed from the aqueous phase.
The specially developed formula ensures that there is nevertheless no adverse impact on the microorganisms in the biological process.
Significant reduction of germs at very low concentration.
VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE is used for germ reduction in the final treatment stage at wastewater treatment plants. Even very low concentrations achieve a significant reduction of germs compared to the initial situation.
The unique composition enables a wide range of applications and can be used individually according to requirements.
• Effective reduction of germ load even at low dosing quantities
• Improved settleability/sedimentation behaviour of suspended matter
• Efficient flocculation – formation of stable macrofloc
• Increased sedimentation rate and visibility depth
• Reliable phosphate elimination
• Reduction of precipitant consumption
Several series of tests confirm that VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE leads to a significant improvement in sedimentation behaviour and sedimentation rate. The formation of stable macrofloc guarantees a clean, turbidity-free clear water phase.